Related Words

Related Words .
This is the language study activity which is important to increase Vocabulary of any Language.

Adjectives (विशेषण)

            Adjectives विशेषण 

Adjectives are words that give colour, shape, size, sound and feeling too noun. They paint a clear picture of the noun.

E.g. I had a red car.

1) Describing adjectives: Adjectives of quality.

Adjectives are words we used to give life and meaning too now, it shows. Kind of quality to person or a thing.

Objective of the quality answer the question of what kind?

e.g. - A famous actor,        Exciting news. 

        A long waited,            Shaggy black dog. 

       A large city.

Adjectives and nouns work together to give clear picture of people, places & things.

Adjectives give shape, Sights, sound, colour and feeling to the nouns.

2) Adjectives are used to describe nouns.

E.g.  1) An open window.                       

        2) Clothes elegant and expensive.

       3) Sticky fingers.                           

        4)  Sunny day.

3) Adjectives of Quantity:

Adjective shows how much of the things is meant as.

E.g.   1)some rice,              2)little intelligence,              3) sufficient rain,      4) much patience             5) enough experience   6) great care of

       7) half a share off           8) whole sum                 9) any rice             10) all boys   11) no sense

      Adjective of Quantity answer the question-How much?

4) Demonstrative adjectives-

Points out which person or thing is meant.

This is a stronger boy than Hari.

Eg. This, That, these, those, such.

Demonstrative adjectives answers the question: Which?

5) Interrogative Adjectives: - 

What, Which & Whose, when they are used with noun to ask question are called Interrogative Adjectives:-

E.g. 1) What manner of man is he?

( it will be  seen that what is used in a general sense and which in a selective sense)

6) Emphasizing Adjectives:

Own and very

E.g.  1) I saw it with my own eyes 

         2) That is the very thing we want. 

7) Number Adjectives: Numeral adjectives:-

Adjectives show number- adjectives of number gives answer the question: How many 

Eg. Five sheep,    two tickets,       first place, 

Ninety-nine rupees,     Last chance

One, two, three -Cardinals Adjectives 
First, second, third etc. – Ordinals adjectives 

Few, no, many, all, some, most, several, every, either, neither, each, some, enough

8) Adjectives also show colour, size and shape

e.g. - red apples, green grass, large building, tiny ants, round table,                       rectangular paddock 

Colour        Size                   Shape

Crimson        Mammoth Round

Purple        Short         Circular 

Silver        Huge         Triangle 

Golden        Gigantic         Square 

White        Enormous Oval

9) Exclamatory Adjectives:- the word ‘what’ is sometimes used as an Exclamatory adjective as 

E.g. 1) What genius!   2) What jolly!

      3) What an idea!  4) What a blessing!

10) Possessive adjectives: are used to show possession. 

E.g. 1) This is my pen.         2) This is our pen.         3) This is your pen.       4) This is his pen.         5) This is her pen.         6) This is their pen.

by Kachhi-Wadekar Madam

Related Words

Related Words . This is the language study activity which is important to increase Vocabulary of any Language. ...