Pronoun सर्वनाम

Pronoun सर्वनाम

Kachhi -Wadekar M.S. (Educator, You Tuber & blogger) 


 Pronoun have different types forms- 

1) First Person Pronouns 
2) Second Person Pronouns 
3) Third Person Pronouns 
4) Possessive Pronouns
5) Interrogative Pronouns
6) Demonstrative Pronouns
7) Indefinite Pronouns
8) Distributive Pronouns 
9) Relative Pronouns 

1) First person pronoun:

First person pronounce are -

 I, me, mine, we, our, ours.
  1. I am a farmer.
  2. Tell me what's you problem.
  3. This is mine.
  4. We are students.
  5. This is our car.

2) Second Person Pronouns are- 

 you your, yours
  1. You are my best friend.
  2. This is your gift.
  3. This is all yours matters.

3) Third Person Pronouns are-

 He, his, him,  her, hers, it, it's, they, them, their, theirs 
  1. He is my father.
  2. This is his pen.
  3. Her mother is very kind person.
  4. Give  them sweets.

4) Possessive Pronouns show ownership, apostrophes are not needed.(Accusative case द्वितीया विभक्ती)

E.g. My , mine, his, her, your, yours, our, ours, it's, their, theirs .

Pronouns are singular and plural.
They are masculine (पुल्लिंगी) , Feminine (स्त्रीलिंगी), and  Neutral (नपुंसकलिंग) depending on the nouns they replace.

I, me my, mine
You , your, yours,
She, her, hers, {Feminine (स्त्रीलिंगी) }
He , his, him, {Masculine (पुल्लिंगी)}
It, it's   {Neutral (नपुंसकलिंग)}


* Plural -  for all gender  
We us, our, ours,
You , your, yours, 
They, them, their, theirs,

5) Interrogative Pronouns-
They are used to ask certain questions.
         Who?   Whom?   Whose?    What?   Which?
       Eg. 1) Who are you?
              2) Whose bag is this?
              3) I was asked who was speaking.
              4) Ask what he wants.
6) Demonstrative Pronouns:
This - these (close at hand)
That - those ('Over there-' Farther away.

Eg. This is my book 
      These are my books.

7) Indefinite Pronouns:
 One, None, All, Some, Somebody, Nobody, Few, Many, Others, Anybody, Everybody, Everyone.
   Eg.  1) Hello to everyone.
           2) No one  interested in picnic.
           3) None of you.
           4) Anybody else want it.

8) Distributive Pronouns:
  Each, either, either of these, neither those.
  Eg. - Each person have his own space.

9) Relative Pronouns: 
The relative pronoun who has different forms of Accusative and Genitive.

         Nominative : Who

         Genitive : whose

        Accusative: whom/ who

Eg. 1) The man who is honest is trusted.

      2) My brother who is a doctor has gone to America.


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