Related Words

Related Words .
This is the language study activity which is important to increase Vocabulary of any Language.

Adjectives (विशेषण)

            Adjectives विशेषण 

Adjectives are words that give colour, shape, size, sound and feeling too noun. They paint a clear picture of the noun.

E.g. I had a red car.

1) Describing adjectives: Adjectives of quality.

Adjectives are words we used to give life and meaning too now, it shows. Kind of quality to person or a thing.

Objective of the quality answer the question of what kind?

e.g. - A famous actor,        Exciting news. 

        A long waited,            Shaggy black dog. 

       A large city.

Adjectives and nouns work together to give clear picture of people, places & things.

Adjectives give shape, Sights, sound, colour and feeling to the nouns.

2) Adjectives are used to describe nouns.

E.g.  1) An open window.                       

        2) Clothes elegant and expensive.

       3) Sticky fingers.                           

        4)  Sunny day.

3) Adjectives of Quantity:

Adjective shows how much of the things is meant as.

E.g.   1)some rice,              2)little intelligence,              3) sufficient rain,      4) much patience             5) enough experience   6) great care of

       7) half a share off           8) whole sum                 9) any rice             10) all boys   11) no sense

      Adjective of Quantity answer the question-How much?

4) Demonstrative adjectives-

Points out which person or thing is meant.

This is a stronger boy than Hari.

Eg. This, That, these, those, such.

Demonstrative adjectives answers the question: Which?

5) Interrogative Adjectives: - 

What, Which & Whose, when they are used with noun to ask question are called Interrogative Adjectives:-

E.g. 1) What manner of man is he?

( it will be  seen that what is used in a general sense and which in a selective sense)

6) Emphasizing Adjectives:

Own and very

E.g.  1) I saw it with my own eyes 

         2) That is the very thing we want. 

7) Number Adjectives: Numeral adjectives:-

Adjectives show number- adjectives of number gives answer the question: How many 

Eg. Five sheep,    two tickets,       first place, 

Ninety-nine rupees,     Last chance

One, two, three -Cardinals Adjectives 
First, second, third etc. – Ordinals adjectives 

Few, no, many, all, some, most, several, every, either, neither, each, some, enough

8) Adjectives also show colour, size and shape

e.g. - red apples, green grass, large building, tiny ants, round table,                       rectangular paddock 

Colour        Size                   Shape

Crimson        Mammoth Round

Purple        Short         Circular 

Silver        Huge         Triangle 

Golden        Gigantic         Square 

White        Enormous Oval

9) Exclamatory Adjectives:- the word ‘what’ is sometimes used as an Exclamatory adjective as 

E.g. 1) What genius!   2) What jolly!

      3) What an idea!  4) What a blessing!

10) Possessive adjectives: are used to show possession. 

E.g. 1) This is my pen.         2) This is our pen.         3) This is your pen.       4) This is his pen.         5) This is her pen.         6) This is their pen.

by Kachhi-Wadekar Madam

Related Words


Kachhi-Wadekar M.S.(Educator, You tuber & blogger)

Pronoun सर्वनाम

Pronoun सर्वनाम

Kachhi -Wadekar M.S. (Educator, You Tuber & blogger) 


 Pronoun have different types forms- 

1) First Person Pronouns 
2) Second Person Pronouns 
3) Third Person Pronouns 
4) Possessive Pronouns
5) Interrogative Pronouns
6) Demonstrative Pronouns
7) Indefinite Pronouns
8) Distributive Pronouns 
9) Relative Pronouns 


Kachhi -Wadekar M.S. (Educator, You Tuber & blogger)


A group of words which makes complete sense is called Sentence.
 ज्या शब्दसमुहातून पुर्ण अर्थबोध होतो त्यास वाक्य म्हणतात.

Eg. He played very well.

Phrase means : A group of words which makes sense , but not complete sense. ‌ 
शब्द समूह ज्याने थोडाफार अर्थबोध होतो परंतु पुर्ण अर्थबोध होत नाही.

Phrases: A group of words, No subject verb combination, meaningless if used alone, but if used in a sentence has a unique meaning and enhance the beauty of language.

Eg. A lot of , to be fond of , one by one, to pay attention, to make fun of, to be fond of , to be engrossed in, to take care of, to look after etc.

Eg. 1) He was engrossed in a story book.

2) Rahul was engrossed in mobile.

3) Mother fond of all her children.

Notes-1) If the phrase start with ‘to’ then it is mostly verb phrase.

Eg. To take part , to make fun of . to get ready

Sentences-  1) He took part in the competition. 

                  2) They are making fun of Raju.

                    3) I got ready for the function.

                    4) He is getting ready for function.

Note 2- If the phrase have ‘to be’ or ‘be‘ then use the ‘be forms of helping verbs’ and proper form of base verb. जर phrase मध्ये ‘to be’ or ‘be’ असेल तर phrase चा वाक्यात उपयोग करताना कर्त्याच्या लिंग वचन व काळानुसार योग्य त्या सहाय्यकारी क्रियापदाची रुपे वापरावीत.

'Helping verbs’ of to be

    Present Tense – Am/ is/ are
Eg. To proud of – 
                          1)I am proud of my country. 
                          2) We are proud of our country. 
                          3) She is proud of her daughter.

Past Tense- was/ were :
           ‘to be able to’- 
                     Eg.1) He was able to read properly. 
                          2) They are able to converse with each other in English.

Future Tense – will be :
        ‘to be familiar with'.-
                          Eg. Very soon she will be familiar with everyone.

Phrases with sentences.

(1) to look for – चा शोध घेणे.
    He was looking for his lost mobile.

(2) to look after – ची काळजी घेणे (March -2023)
    We should look after our parents.

(3) to take care of – ची काळजी घेणे (Sept-2021)
    We should take care of our health.

(4) to run away – पळून जाणे (March. 2020)
    The thief ran away from jail.

(5) to be proud of चा अभिमान असणे
    I am proud of my country.

(6) to be afraid of – ची भिती वाटणे
    Most of the people are afraid of ghosts and darkness.

(7) to be fond of – ची आवड असणे
    He is fond of playing cricket.

(8) to be good at – च्यामध्ये तरबेज असणे
    He is good at sports and games.

(9) to be eager to – उत्सुक असणे
    The children are eager to see the circus.

(10) to be famous for – च्या साठी प्रसिद्ध असणे
    Shivaji was famous for his bravery.

(11) to be unable to – असमर्थ असणे
    He was unable to appear for the exam because of his illness.

(12) in front of – च्या समोर
    My house is in front of my school.

(13) to get rid of – च्या पासून सुटका करणे
    He got rid of the bad company.

(14) to be known as – ओळखले जाणे (March. 2020)
    Dr. Abdul Kalam is known as Missile Man.

(15) in a flash – क्षणार्धात (in a moment)
    It was done in a flash. 
    She collapsed in a flash.

(16) to be known for – च्यासाठी प्रसिद्ध असणे (be famous for)
    Amitabh is known for his acting.

(17) to be engrossed in – च्यामध्ये व्यग्र/मग्न होणे/ च्यामध्ये दंग/मग्न असणे (to occupied in)
    He was engrossed in the conversation with his friend.

(18) to muster up courage – धैर्य एकवटणे
    I mustered up courage to fight with tiger.

(19) to belongs to – च्या मालकीचे असणे, चा घटक असणे
He belongs to the royal family.

(20) bring up – संगोपन करणे/पालन पोषण करणे
    She has decided to bring up the orphan as her own child.

(21) to give up -सोडून देणे/त्याग करणे/थांबविणे (August-2022)
    He gave up his bad habits.

(22) to be a part and parcel – अविभाज्य अंग/घटक असणे
    It had become a part and parcel of their daily life.

(23) to root out – काढून टाकणे /मूळापासून काढून टाकणे
    It is necessary to root out the evils from the society.

(24) to be able to – समर्थ असणे
    Radha is able to speak English fluently.

(25) in search of – च्या शोधार्थ
    He was in search of a new job.

(26) muster up courage – धैर्य एकवटणे
    The young man could not muster up courage to climb the tree.

(27) to ponder over – च्यावर चिंतन करणे
    The artist pondered over his idea for a long time.

(28) to ask for – मागणे /मागणी करणे (March. 2019)
    He came into my office to ask for a loan.

(29) a lot of (July. 2019)
    There is a lot of noise in the class.

(30) to show off – देखावा करणे/प्रदर्शन करणे (November -2020)
    He likes to show off his knowledge.

Report Writing

Report writting is one of the writing skill which is an important for exam  also it gives an opportunity to the students to show their writing skill.

For writing a News Report we need a format and in that format one can write ✍️ effectively.

Types of News

  • Business News
  • Fashion News
  • Political News
  • Sports News
  • Crime News
  • International News 

Template for a News Report 
  • Headline  (Title)
  • Dateline (Day, Date, Place, Resource)
  • Intro/ Leadline( Covering, Maximum 'WH' questios)
  • Short Continuing Paragraph (details)
  • Conclusion 

Related Words

Related Words . This is the language study activity which is important to increase Vocabulary of any Language. ...